Monday, November 12, 2007

University of Kansas Football

I must say this weekend brought another wonderful surprise of Kansas beating Oklahoma State in football. Now, as a fifth generation to graduate from Kansas I have been watching KU football games since I was little. I have fond memories of sitting on hill watching the game. KU has never been this outstanding football team - in fact I have enjoyed basketball far more - but watching the games still hold fond memories. My family and I even went to the game in Hawaii in 1985.

However, this weekend I was waiting for KU to lose. They are undefeated and tough - but as I sit and watch the game I keep expecting them to loose. Admittedly it was only the third game of the season that I have watched but still. Perhaps, that is what the sports writers and rankings folks are waiting for as well.

Hopefully, this is a long good road of football. However, with Texas and Oklahoma in our division I am still not holding my breath. I am just enjoying the ride for the moment.

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